False alrams with Terminology verifier

Dear Mr./Mrs.:

The Terminology verifier function in Trados keeps reporting a huge number of errors like "Target segment does not contain the translated term for "specific term", but the term is actually in the target.

Is there any way to avoid such false alarms by changing the setting?

Currently the relevant settings on my Trados go like these and the target language is Khmer.

Screenshot of Trados Studio Terminology Verifier settings showing options for validation criteria, including checks for non-usage of target terms set to Warning, forbidden terms set to Error, and terms without the target equivalent set to Note. Minimum match value is 100, search depth is 200, and term repetition threshold is 4.

But adjusting search depth or "Term repetition threshold" seem to have no effect in reducing false alarms.

Is there any other way to perform an effective verfication of terms?



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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 7:35 AM (GMT 1) on 17 Jul 2024]
  • I have the same problem, some terms are correctly recognized, others aren't, when a term appears 2 times in a same segment, it gives a false positive, and so on. In the large project I'm working on, that erratic behaviour results in over 9000 warnings, most of which are false positives. I'm using Studio 2022. Fiddling around with the settings doesn't give much of a solution. Lowering the term repetition treshold to 2 used to avoid the false positives for double occurences of the same term, but that doesn't work anymore either. Some of my largest customers are using more and more often online cat tools, just because of the recurring problems with terminology using trados. And judging by the answer of Ms. Alison Field, even upgrading to Studio 2024 wouldn't solve much either. So when is this problem going to be solved finally?

  • I have the same problem, some terms are correctly recognized, others aren't, when a term appears 2 times in a same segment, it gives a false positive, and so on. In the large project I'm working on, that erratic behaviour results in over 9000 warnings, most of which are false positives. I'm using Studio 2022. Fiddling around with the settings doesn't give much of a solution. Lowering the term repetition treshold to 2 used to avoid the false positives for double occurences of the same term, but that doesn't work anymore either. Some of my largest customers are using more and more often online cat tools, just because of the recurring problems with terminology using trados. And judging by the answer of Ms. Alison Field, even upgrading to Studio 2024 wouldn't solve much either. So when is this problem going to be solved finally?
