By date
  • Product Update: SDL Managed Translation 17.12


    Dear Community,

    The 17.12 update for SDL Managed Translation will be deployed to Production on Friday, 8th December 2017.

    This latest release is very much focused on innovation, in delivering product enhancements requested by our customer base through direct communication, or submitted via the Ideas section on the SDL Managed Translation Community: -

    Project Templates: Project Templates represent a significant optimization…

  • Live Webinar: Q4 Product Updates for SDL Managed Translation


    With the upcoming releases of SDL Managed Translation later this year, on Tuesday 5th December we’re hosting a webinar to introduce the new capabilities, features and improvements. We’ll also be touching on some of the updates made in the past year that you might have missed.

    There are two possible time slots available for attendees:

    Tuesday, December 5, 2017 - 9.00 a.m. GMT/10:00 a.m. CET
    Register here


  • Product Updates: SDL Managed Translation 17.11


    Dear Community,

    I would like to notify you of two new releases we have planned for SDL Managed Translation over the next couple of weeks. 

    Managed Translation 17.11.1: Deployment to Production scheduled for Thursday 16th November
    • Data Export Enhancements: A number of additional fields will be included in the Managed Translation Data Export, as requested by our customers. The new fields, listed below for reference, will…
  • Product Update: SDL Managed Translation 17.10.2


    Dear Community,

    The latest version of SDL Managed Translation (17.10.2) will go into Production later today. This is a minor update, following the release of SDL Managed Translation 17.10 earlier this month.

    With this latest release, we hope to address an issue observed by a small number of customers when sending large files for translation (>100MB per file).

    In addition, we will introduce a new user experience feature…

  • Online Editor for Client Reviewers


    It is now almost a week since the release of SDL Managed Translation 17.10.  One of the main features in this release was the extension of the Online Review interface to allow reviewers to edit translations directly. The feature was designed with simplicity in mind whilst still providing reviewers with the core features required to efficiently perform their work.

    • Edit translations directly, including…
  • Live! SDL Managed Translation 17.10


    Dear Community,

    Further to my previous product update, I can confirm the 17.10 update for SDL Managed Translation is now live! Please find below the details from my earlier post for reference.

    Below is a summary of the new features planned for this release, including some ideas raised by members of the SDL Managed Translation Community.

    • Online Editor: Reviewers will now be able to edit target segments directly when reviewing…
  • Coming Soon! SDL Managed Translation 17.10


    Dear Community,

    Later this week, we will be releasing the 17.10 update for SDL Managed Translation. Below is a summary of the new features planned for this release, including some ideas raised by members of the SDL Managed Translation Community.

    • Online Editor: Reviewers will now be able to edit target segments directly when reviewing a document. In support of this feature, we've extended the online review functionality to…
  • SDL Managed Translation 17.8: Release Announcement

    It is my pleasure to announce the release of SDL Managed Translation 17.8!

    Data Export

    We have implemented an enhancement to the Data Export feature in SDL Managed Translation that allow users to access a previously generated data export or request a new data export. Where a new export is requested, users do not need to wait for that export to complete. They can simply log back into the system at a later time to download…

  • SDL Managed Translation 17.5: Release Announcement

    It is my pleasure to announce the release of SDL Managed Translation 17.5!

    As a result of customer feedback raised via the Managed Translation Community, we have made the following optimizations when selecting source and target languages from the Create a Project page: -

    • Where a user has more than six source languages to select from, they are now presented as a drop-down list
    • Users can now choose an alternative display when…
  • SDL Managed Translation 17.4: Release Announcement

    It is my pleasure to announce the release of SDL Managed Translation 17.4!

    This release includes a number of important updates as summarized below: -

    • A simplified registration flow for customers using the corporate self-registration feature
    • Support for custom templates when working with the Data Export feature in SDL Managed Translation
    • Infrastructural changes to optimize project caching, and as a result, enhance system…
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