In translation assignment you can "describe" work using two tables: Assignment tasks and Payables.
Assignment tasks table is obligatory, as it determines volumes of a base translation job which are assigned to a selected vendor. Assignment task can be linked with base job task (to track assigned and unassigned volumes), as well as not linked (if such tracking isn't required).
In the Quantity column you specify a volume which will be assigned to a selected vendor. This volume should not be greater than volume of a base job task.
You can use Quantity unassigned column as a reference to know how much is still possible to assign to vendors. This is particularly useful when you assign the same job task to multiple vendors. When you change a number in the Quantity column, value in the Quantity unassigned column will be immediately changed.
In situations when it is not possible to assign work to a vendor using same Units as specified in base tasks, or when you wish to join few tasks into one (for example, when you wish to show single row in a purchase order instead of full fuzzy break down), or if you configured automatic unit conversion settings for a vendor, please use Payables table:
It allows to "override" data entered in the Assignment tasks table to separate actual tasks from tasks specified in a base job. As hint shown on the screenshot above says, this table can be used in following cases:
- when a contractor uses a unit which differs from a unit of base task (example: base job is in Words, while you must issue PO in Lines unit);
- to join multiple tasks into one task (multiple fuzzy types into one "average" volume);
- to enter specific calculation of task (for example, when job is very small and contractor has minimal charge).
Underlining, the following workflow is used when translation assignment is created:
- You add all job tasks which will be assigned to a contractor and enter assigned quantities in units which are specified in base job tasks.
- If possible, you just specify contractor's prices for each task, save an assignment and print PO. Payables table is not used.
- If point a does not fit requirements of a current assignment, you switch to Payables tab and create necessary rows to describe all tasks performed by a contractor. In this case, amount of assignment is calculated from Payables table, instead of Assignment tasks table.