New Release for SDL Trados Business Manager Lite version 5 (Build 5.3.1, release date 15 May 2020)
The SDL Trados Business Manager Lite version 5.3.0 (referred to as "Business Manager Lite") release addresses the following:
(BACCS-507) Settings - added an option to hide e-invoice generation buttons in the invoice list.
(BACCS-527) Settings - added an option to disable automatic notifications generated after creating a new project in Studio.
(BACCS-638) When you click Close button in the editing form, you always be returned to the previously selected page.
(BACCS-639) Much improved selection colors in lists. Previously, when you selected multiple records in tables where some conditional formatting was applied (rows had different colors), selected rows where difficult to differentiate. Form now, focused record always has light blue color, and other selected records has dimmer blue color.
Reference data
(BACCS-490) Improved work with fuzzy schemes in terms of importing analysis reports into projects. From now, if analysis data has zero volume, or if after applying fuzzy factor to source quantity volume becomes zero (for example, repetitions are not counted), then such volume won't be imported to a project.
(BACCS-615) Translation project editing window - implemented time tracking editing (previously was available only from the time tracker window),
Quotes and invoices
(BACCS-523) Added Print button to the Invoice and Quote editing windows, so it is now possible to print invoices and quotes not only from list, but from editing window as well.
(BACCS-512) Invoice list - added conditional formatting for overdue invoices, which are now marked with red color.
(BACCS-512) Invoice list - added a button to quickly mark selected invoices as paid.
(BACCS-511) Payment reminders - now it's possible to create templates for regular and final payment reminder, view overdue invoices in the invoice list or through automated notifications upon Studio launch, create payment reminders and view history of payment reminder per invoices. See Documentation article.
(BACCS-556) Default invoice templates now include customer contact name.
(BACCS-563) Added possibility to import analysis reports to quotes (this button was available only in projects before).
Bug fixes
(BACCS-633) When project is cloned, path to a Studio project is cloned as well (but Synced checkbox becomes not-checked).
(BACCS-634) Customer was empty when creating a quote from a project.
(BACCS-635) Fixed a bug with customers import. From now, if Round or Min charge columns are not filled, import will still work. Also, if some error occurs, user will see error message (previously nothing happened).
(BACCS-636) Improved price detection in project. If Fuzzy type in a task is empty, system always applied 100 weight to such row. However, if No match fuzzy type in your fuzzy scheme has different weight, it wasn't applied (because empty fuzzy type is not the same as 'No match' fuzzy type), From now, for empty fuzzy types system will be taking first fuzzy type in a fuzzy scheme. So, please always place 'No match' fuzzy type as a first record in a fuzzy scheme (by setting lowest Sort order value for such fuzzy type).
(BACCS-637) Fixed an issue with syncing customers between TBM and Studio.