Copy is greyed out in Studio 2022

When I jump to a segment usineg the Comment pane, "Copy" (as well as "Cut") is greyed out in the shortcut list (right click) on both sides (source and target). Despite this, Ctr+C works fine.

Maybe a bug?

I use Trados Studio 2022 under Windows 10.

Parents Reply
  • Hello, the CTRL+F shortcut is under the editor functionality. This means that in order for the shortcut to work, the Editor has to be active (focused). If you don't see the cursor inside of the Editor, the shortcut  won't work. When the shortcut works it needs some details from the editor (like text selection, cursor position, etc) that are only available if the editor is active.

    If we move it outside of the editor it can be triggered all over the place, which will be confusing, not to say buggy.

    I am aware that for quality of life reasons you would love this (to be honest I do understand your need), but I am afraid it will complicate things for other users that might accidently trigger it.

    We will think about this, maybe we can improve this somehow, but the chances are slim.
