“verify” in trados review can not work stably

For the “verify” in trados review, as of terminology verifier”, we have adjusted “ verification criteria”, click “check for possible non-usage of target terms” and choose error” . In addition, we have save the profiles for repeat use.

However, we frequentlyfound that, even if we import the above mentioned profile, the “ verification setteing” in “Terminology settings” remain unchanged. Therefore, we need to import the above mentioned profile again and “ verification setteing” in “Terminology settings” can change to the desired setteing.

The phenomenon has appeared for a long time. Could you help us on this problem. 

Screenshot of Trados Studio Editor with a document open, showing the 'Term Recognition' pane with a highlighted term and its translation. A red arrow points to the 'Verify' button in the toolbar.

Screenshot of Trados Studio showing the 'Terminology Verifier' window with a red arrow pointing to 'Verification Settings' in the navigation pane.

Screenshot of Trados Studio displaying a dialog box with a warning message about importing a Terminology Verifier profile, with a red arrow pointing to the message.

Screenshot of Trados Studio showing an 'Information' dialog box indicating that the Terminology Verifier profile was successfully imported, with a red arrow pointing to the dialog box.

Screenshot of Trados Studio 'Verification Settings' with a red arrow pointing to the 'Check for possible non-usage of the target terms' option set to 'Error'. Text indicates settings often remain unchanged and need re-importing.

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 12:59 PM (GMT 0) on 14 Nov 2024]
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