Impossible to save the Target text as a Word file because the function "SAVE TARGET AS" is no more there!

Dear All, 

I have just finished a translation and I would like to save the target text as a word file...A very simple thing, that I have done other times without any problem. 

The problem is that now, as I click on "FILE" to open the save options, I dont't find the function "SAVE TARGET AS"! There is another function "ADVANCED SAVE" (in Italian,  SALVATAGGIO AVANZATO) but I don't find the way to save the target as a WORD (only the SOURCE text can be "saved as"). 

I also treid to make a video but Trados doesn't accept the upload from Screenpal. I attach some pictures.

Trados Studio interface with a file selected showing file details including name, path, and word count. The 'File' tab is open with options in Italian.

Screenshot of Trados Studio 'File' menu with options such as 'Close', 'Save All', 'Advanced Save', and others in Italian. No 'Save Target As' option visible.

Trados Studio 'File' menu in a different layout, showing options like 'Save', 'Save As', 'Advanced Save' in Italian. 'Save Target As' is still missing.

Please, I really need you help!

Thank you so much, 


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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 6:15 PM (GMT 0) on 14 Nov 2024]

    Save target as is only possible from the Editor view with the file opened there. From the view you show here you have to use the batch task "Finalize", which will update your TM and create the target file. This is the recommended way of working, as this step makes sure your TM will contain the most recent version of your translation.


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  • Thank you  , your reply is really useful but I have just tried to use the batch task but when I right click on it (or even if I click on "BATCH TASK" on the ribbon) it is written "No task available" (in Italian, "Nessuna attività disponibile"). I attach a picture...What am I doing wrong now? Thanks!!!Screenshot of Trados Studio with an error message in the Batch Tasks pane saying 'No task available' in Italian.


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    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 6:47 PM (GMT 0) on 14 Nov 2024]

    Go to Projects View and check, if the project is not marked as completed. Or is your target language other than French? In that case simply change the language side in the Navigation pane on the left.


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

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  •  the target language is french, right! I have to translate from Italian to French.

    The project is "completed"Screenshot of Trados Studio with the 'Projects' view open, showing a list of projects. The 'PM_Bresci' project is highlighted, indicating it is completed with no due date. The creation date is 07112024. The 'Project Details' pane below lists details like file path, client (none), and language pair Italian to French.


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    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 7:07 PM (GMT 0) on 14 Nov 2024]

    With a completed project you have no batch tasks. You have finished the project, so TS correctly assumes there is nothing more to do there. Revert the project to "In progress" (right click on it) and you'll be able to work on it again. This includes batch tasks.


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  • Why don't you just open the file for translation? It doesn't matter whether your project is complete or not. Double click the file (or right-click it and select Open For Translation) and use the Save Target As command as you usually do. You don't need to finalize anything or revert it to In Progress.


    You need to select the sdlxliff, right-click it, and then "Revert to SDLXLIFF".  This scenario can happen when you use the "recommended" route to get your target file.  I never use this for single files as it's easier to do exactly what you are attempting and it also means you don't get this problem you have encountered.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • You need to select the sdlxliff, right-click it, and then "Revert to SDLXLIFF".  This scenario can happen when you use the "recommended" route to get your target file.  I never use this for single files as it's easier to do exactly what you are attempting and it also means you don't get this problem you have encountered.

    Double-clicking the file in the files view or clicking the command "Open" there toggles the question if you want to revert to sdlxliff. So at this stage an average user should at the latest be aware of this.

    Not using "Finalize" for a single file translation may be an option, but only in case all your segments are confirmed and updated in your translation memory. In a scenario, where the file is translated and the opened for review to have a trace of having done this for example you may still need to do a finalize or at least an update TM batcg to have the corrected segments stored there. And honestly, not doing at least a basic review of the translation prior to delivery to the customer goes beyond my understanding of what a professional translator should do.


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

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    And honestly, not doing at least a basic review of the translation prior to delivery to the customer goes beyond my understanding of what a professional translator should do

    I agree.  But we didn't discuss that!

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Dear  thank you for your answers, that I have just verified with the score +1.

    Thanks to your help, I have managed to find the "save as" function and also learned important things, such as the "finalize" function. Anyway, I still have two important questions:

    1- As for the TM: even after "finalize", the TM didn't show the results of my last translation. I had to go through the Alignment tool, then I imported the alignement into the TM. Only this way, the TM shows me know the results of my last translation. 

    NOW, here is the problem: I would like to change the TM, taking off the last Allignement that I imported and create another Alignment with the last version of my translation (because before sending it to the client, I changed about ten segments...). How can I do that? 

    2- In your previous message, you mention the fact that a professional translator should revise the translation. Actually, I always do that but not through the "Revision" but directly from the Editor view of the Translation page. After reading your message, I did the revision throug the specific page in Trados but I don't see the point. I think that I still have to better understand the Revision page, that seemed to me even too long and tiring that going through the segments and correcting them in the tranlsation page. 


    Thank you for your questions

    Ad 1: If the TM does not contain your latest translation even after executing the batch task with the settings to overwrite existing translation units, the only reason for this could be segments were not confirmed.

    When you imported anything into your translation memory, the only way to get rid of it is using a filter for the date of the import and deleting the so filtered units. This can be done from the Translation Memory view in TS. You can open the TM for editing there and define a filter. The best way to do so is using the criteria "created on" with the condition "greater than or equal to" and chose the date just before the import. Have you added further translations to the TM after the import, you can add the condition "created on" with "smaller than or equal to" and use a date directly after the import. Both filter conditions shall be connected with "AND".

    Ad 2: I understand that you do not see a point in opening the file for review. However, there are two advantages of doing so. When you open the file in that way and change a segment. you see the change is tracked. This is helpful to keep track of changes. In case of ISO 17100 certification you can save a copy of this file including the changes to prove the revision was done. The other point is, that confirming a changed segments in this view will overwrite repetitions. But it is not necessary to use this method. For me it is simply a question of my process, where all steps are clearly defined. This way my work is better controlled.


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

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    Thank you for your questions

    Ad 1: If the TM does not contain your latest translation even after executing the batch task with the settings to overwrite existing translation units, the only reason for this could be segments were not confirmed.

    When you imported anything into your translation memory, the only way to get rid of it is using a filter for the date of the import and deleting the so filtered units. This can be done from the Translation Memory view in TS. You can open the TM for editing there and define a filter. The best way to do so is using the criteria "created on" with the condition "greater than or equal to" and chose the date just before the import. Have you added further translations to the TM after the import, you can add the condition "created on" with "smaller than or equal to" and use a date directly after the import. Both filter conditions shall be connected with "AND".

    Ad 2: I understand that you do not see a point in opening the file for review. However, there are two advantages of doing so. When you open the file in that way and change a segment. you see the change is tracked. This is helpful to keep track of changes. In case of ISO 17100 certification you can save a copy of this file including the changes to prove the revision was done. The other point is, that confirming a changed segments in this view will overwrite repetitions. But it is not necessary to use this method. For me it is simply a question of my process, where all steps are clearly defined. This way my work is better controlled.


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

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