Search and find tags or filtering for tags in Studio editor view


how I can find tags or filtering for tags in Studio editor view? Because in some segments there are tags that needs special attention. For now I have to scroll slowly throw the hole file to find them, but maybe there is a better way.

I'm using Studio 2011, 2014, 2015. I didn't find a option, a function or something like that. In the old Trados 2007 TagEditor there was the possibiliy to find text in tags. This is what I need in Studio too.

Is this possible and I just know nothing about it?


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  • Actually I take that back Ali... sorry! The HZ$ example is a very good one. Thank you.
  • Hi Paul,

    I should have started a new thread about this because I hadn't realised 's original question was not about the 2017 version.

    I can give you a more complex example if that proves the point better.

    So, does the new filter see tags by accident rather than by design? I'd be sad to see that feature go, we've been asking for it since Studio first came out. I think the majority would be with me on that one.

    If the old Review filter is not going to change, it's not that much of a problem so long as people know the difference between the two filters. Ignorance of the fact that any searches in the new filter will be impeded if there are tags present is the biggest problem.

     has made a very valid point. I hadn't thought of the potential downside, I was so delirious about being able to search for tags again without converting to ttx for troubleshooting using Trados 2007! 

    A tags on/off checkbox would be amazing but it's only needed on the new filter unless the old filter is going to become tag-sensitive too.

    Ali :)

  • Hi Ali,

    Unknown said:
    I can give you a more complex example if that proves the point better

    No, your Hz example was perfect.  Thank you.

    Unknown said:
    So, does the new filter see tags by accident rather than by design? I'd be sad to see that feature go, we've been asking for it since Studio first came out. I think the majority would be with me on that one.

    As I already said, this was a deliberate inclusion and there is code in there specifically to support searching in tags.  It was a last minute inclusion (my meddling where I shouldn't have!) and it could use a little refinement to include a "search in tags" checkbox so that it only calls this code when asked for.  As I said already, the code for this is opensource so any developer could add this as a plugin this afternoon if they wanted to;-)  Whether and when we enhance the one in the product will be down to development.



  • Hi Paul,

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for meddling! I read that post when I was half asleep and had forgotten you said that.

    Just goes to prove that it's easier to write something in when you first create a function than to add it afterwards.

    Keep meddling! One of the many reasons we love you!


    PS: So, today's challenge:

    All  you guys out there who are capable of creating a plugin to add a tag button to the new filter, off you go!

    Who will get there first??

  • Hi Paul,

    I found another small problem with tag searching in the Advanced Display Filter.

    Today I wanted to find break tags (e.g. "<br"), but I wanted to include all of the content between segments in the search.

    I therefore went to the Advanced Display Filter and selected "Show All Content" in the Filter Attributes tab and "<br" in the Source field of the Content tab.

    I expected only the segments and content between segments that contained "<br" to be shown.

    Instead, ALL of the content between segments was shown (not just the content containing "<br") plus just the segments containing "<br". This means the source content "<br" filter was only applied to the segments, not the content between segments.

    I have attached a test.docx4278.test.docx file that shows the problem. Using the Advanced Display Filter to search for "<br" in the source segment with a filter attribute of "Show All Content" shows ALL of the content between segments, along with segment 3 (which contains a column break tab).

    It should instead just show the page break in the content between segments 1 and 2, along with segment 3.

    Best regards,
    Bruce Campbell
    ASAP Language Services

  • Hi again Paul,

    I am having another problem with tag searching in the Advanced Display Filter.

    I can find the tag for superscript text in the target segment by searching for part of the tag text, e.g. '<cf superscript' or 'superscript="true" ', or the complete tag text, i.e. '<cf superscript="true">'.

    But what I really wanted to find was '1st' with the 'st' being in superscript text, i.e. '1<cf superscript="true">st</cf>'.

    I can find '1<' in the target segment, but if I try to find '1<cf superscript' or '1<cf' in the target segment, the Advanced Display Filter displays no segments.

    I can also find '>st' in the target segment, but if I try to find '<cf superscript="true">st' or '"true">st' or '">st' the Advanced Display Filter once again displays no segments.

    And I can find 'st<' or 'st</' in the target segment, but if I try to find 'st</cf' the Advanced Display Filter displays no segments.

    Please tell me this was not intended and will be corrected so that I can find something like '1<cf superscript="true">st</cf>' in the future.

    Best regards,
    Bruce Campbell
    ASAP Language Services