The Default rates table allows you create generic default prices for different work types, language pairs, specializations and currencies you work with. These rates are applied by default to all customers. However, each customer may have own set of default rates, which overrides generic rates.
You can specify Work type, Fuzzy type, Unit, Language direction, Specialization category and Currency for each rate. When creating a job and adding tasks, the program will automatically pick-up the most relevant price, so you do not need to recall which price to use each time. On the screenshot above, you can see that there are 3 default prices in USD are created for Translation in English => Russian pair. But they have different specialization categories. This means that depending on the specialization which is selected in a job, the system will pick-up the most correct price.
Valid-from date allows to specify a day when a particular rate becomes valid. If, with time, this rate will be changed, you can create a new one instead of editing an existing rate, and the most recent rate will be used by price pick-up mechanism. At the same time, you can leave old rates to see how they changed with time.
Using Fuzzy type field, you can create different rates for different fuzzy types. However, you can create one base rate, and the program will automatically calculate default rate for a corresponding fuzzy type using weight factor of that fuzzy type. At the same time, if you would like to prevent this behavior and explicitly create a rate for particular fuzzy type, you are free to do this.
The same rules apply to Unit field. If you create a rate for Words unit, the system will automatically recalculate it to Hours unit using adjustment factor specified for that unit. Again, you can create rates for each needed unit to prevent this calculation.
Underlining, auto rate pickup mechanism works on the "from simplest to complex" principle. Initially, it looks for a rate which is fully relevant to a currently edited job, and if fully matching rate is not found, it applies more complex calculations to determine a rate based on existing values.