The RWS AppStore > Wiki is no longer being maintained. For the latest updates and changes being published, please visit the official RWS AppStore, where you will find supporting information such as documentation & change log details that is associated to each app.
Alternatively if you are using Trados Studio 2022 SR2, you will find the same information within the Integrated AppStore.
Migration Utility Tool provides an easy way to migrate the following from one version of SDL Trados Studio to another:
- Projects
- Customers
- Translation Memories
- Language Resource Templates
- SDL AppStore Plugins
The Studio Migration Utility is available on AppStore.
After installation, the application can be found within the "Add-Ins" tab
To start migrating from one Studio version to another, the first step is to select Source
and Destination Studio version.
Now select the project(s) you wish to migrate
You can choose to migrate Translation Memories and/or Customers
After clicking OK- you will now see the projects have been added to the projects list