Available for Trados Studio versions- versions with '*'are no longer supported
Counts the keystrokes you save with Trados Studio’s many productivity-boosting features, and converts them into points
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
AdaptiveMT Trainer
This application has one purpose only and that is to help use previously translated projects to train your AdaptiveMT machine translation engines.
Trados Studio *2017, 2019, 2021
Amazon Translate MT provider
Retrieve translations from the Amazon Translate service.
Trados Studio *2017, 2019, 2021
Antidote Verifier
Antidote is a spelling and grammar checking tool from Druide informatique inc that integrates with MSWord and a variety of other applications
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
Apply Studio Project Template
This plug-in allows you to apply settings from a template (.sdltpl) or project (.sdlproj) to one or more projects.
Trados Studio *2015 ,*2017, 2019 , 2021
Maintain one Language Resource Template and apply the changes to all of your Translation Memories.
Trados Studio 2019, 2021
ASS Filetype
Filetype support for the ASS (Advanced SubStation Alpha) filetype used in subtitling.
Trados Studio 2019, 2021
AutoHotKey Manager
Provides a simple way to manage and share AutoHotKey scripts from within Trados Studio.
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
Cleanup Tasks
Cleanup Tasks application is a batch task plugin which allows you to convert plain text into a tag.
Trados Studio *2017, 2019, 2021
Community Advanced Display Filter
Addional functionality for filtering: -By Document structure information String Id -Colours -Merged segments Reverse Filter -Export in a xliff filter results
Trados Studio *2017, 2019, 2021
DeepL Translation Provider
This plugin provides machine translation results from the DeepL Translator.
Trados Studio *2017, 2019, 2021
DSI Viewer
Small viewer that you can position somewhere convenient on your screen and this displays the DSI information for every segment you enter without you having to click anything.
Trados Studio 2019, 2021
This application adds a new group to Microsoft Excel allowing you to pull data from a GroupShare instance.
Trados Studio GroupShare 2019, 2021
Export to Excel
Batch Task in Studio that can export your project files (SDLXLIFF files) to Excel.
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
Fail Safe Task
Batch task in Studio that performs a check to ensure you will be able to save your target files before you start the project.
Trados Studio 2019, 2021
File Type Definition for Wordfast TXML
Once installed, you will find that WordFast TXML will now be listed under File Types in the project settings of Trados Studio.
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
GroupShare Version Fetch
Plugin to Studio which supports downloading as many versions for as many files in as many projects across as many organisations as you like
Trados Studio 2019, 2021
Hunspell Dictionary Manager
The Hunspell Dictionary Manager simplifies the creation and deletion of Hunspell dictionaries in Trados Studio.
Trados Studio *2017, 2019, 2021
IATE Terminology
IATE (Interactive Terminology for Europe) is the EU's terminology database maintained by the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union /Centre de traduction des organes de l'Union européenne.
Trados Studio 2017,* 2019, 2021
This plugin provides a new Studio view from where you can search and navigate jobs posted on the ProZ website.
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
MT Comparison
Provides you with the ability to pre-translate the project with up to five different Machine Translation providers at a time and generate a single report in Excel with the results of each engine side by side.
Trados Studio *2017, 2019, 2021
MT Enhanced Plugin for Trados Studio
Allows you to retrieve translations from either Microsoft Translator or Google Translate.
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
Number Verifier
Allows you to fine-tune settings to provide you with the desired balance between amount of false positives and potentially missed errors.
Trados Studio *2015 ,*2017, 2019, 2021
Post-Edit Compare
Tool designed to report translation modifications during the post-edit phases of a translation workflow.
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
Allows you to extract term candidates from your Project, or specific files within a project.
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
It provides functionality to track the time spent on translating, reviewing & post-editing the segments from documents.
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
Record Source TU
Stamps a Translation Unit with following options: File Name, File Path and Project name
Trados Studio *2015,*2017, 2019, 2021
SBV filetype
Filetype support for the SBV (youtube) filetype used in subtitling.
Trados Studio 2019, 2021
SDL Data Protection Suite
Using plain text, or regular expressions, you can pseudonomize, or anonymize the data in your translation projects and translation memories.
Trados Studio 2019, 2021
This plugin allows you to retrieve translations from your corporate approved secured machine translation solution, RWS Enterprise Translation Server (ETS).
Trados Studio *2017, 2019, 2021
SDL Freshstart
Proivides an easy way to reset all the user files in a couple of clicks without having to navigate through folders, making sure you have the right permissions etc. The application also provides a useful description of what each of the users files contains.
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
SDL InSource!
This app is for the professional version of Studio only because it uses the project automation api. The basic functionality is the automatic creation of Studio projects based on translatable files being dropped into watch folders that are defined by you.
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021,
SDL Legit!
Batch convert source files to TTX or Bilingual Doc.
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
SDL Machine Translation Cloud (NMT)
SDL BeGlobal (NMT) is RWS's state-of-the-art secure machine translation cloud product for enterprises with various paid subscription models.
Trados Studio 2015 ,2017,* 2019 ,2021
SDL TMBackup
Provides a simple way to back up your Translation Memories and Termbases on a regular basis to help you ensure that you always have a backup available to you in the event of these precious resources getting corrupted.
Trados Studio 2015 ,2017,* 2019, 2021
SDL Translation Memory Management Utility
It allows users to perform a variety of administrative and supply chain tasks for file-based Translation Memory files.
Trados Studio 2014, 2015 ,2017,* 2019, 2021
SDLTM Repair
SDLTM Repair has been designed to fix specific errors within SDLTM files. If you find that you can’t open, export or do anything with an SDLTM then this app may be able to repair it.
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
Tool used for comparing SDLXLIFF files, or complete Projects, and then display the comparison results in an XML/HTML report.
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
SDLXLIFF Split/Merge
Allows users to perform split of large SDLXLIFF files and merge split files into a single SDLXLIFF file.
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
SDLXLIFF to Legacy Converter
Compact and fast tool used for converting SDLXLIFF files to and importing from Trados legacy formats.
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
Segment Status Switcher
When you are working in the Editor View in Studio the Segment Status Switcher provides a way to change the status of a segment in one click, or through the use of a keyboard shortcut
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
SRT filetype
Filetype support for the SRT filetype used in subtitling.
Trados Studio 2019, 2021
STL filetype
Filetype support for the STL (Spruce) filetype used in subtitling.
Trados Studio 2019, 2021
Studio Migration Utility
Provides an easy way to migrate the following from one version of Trados Studio to another: Projects, Customers, TM's, Langauge Resource Templates and RWS AppStore apps
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019
Studio Subtitling
The Studio Subtitling plugin supports enhanced features for audio visual translation, editing, proofing and works synchronously with the Studio editor in support for a variety of filetypes.
Trados Studio 2019, 2021
Studio Time Tracker
Complete environment for tracking and maintaining the time that you are spending while working on Trados Studio projects.
Trados Studio *2014, *2015 ,2017, 2019
Stylesheet Verifier
Check xml stylesheet
Trados Studio 2019, 2021
Target Word Count
Batch task in Studio which creates a report providing the following based on your settings:
Trados Studio 2019, 2021
Term Excelerator
The application allows user(s) to work directly with Excel spreadsheet as a glossary in Studio, just as it would do within MultiTerm.
Trados Studio 2017,* 2021
Plugin that modifies the output of a translation memory in the editor during translation.
Trados Studio 2015* ,2017,* 2019, 2021
TM Lifting
If you have many Translation Memories this exercise could take a long time! The "TM Lifting" application does a few important things:
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
TransitPackage Handler
It supports opening a Star Transit package (PPF file) and the creation of a Star Transit return package (TPF file).
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
A very simple way to add your translation to a Translation memory or even multiple Translation Memories without having to create a project at all.
Trados Studio 2019, 2021
Variables Manager for SDL Trados Studio
Edit, copy and paste a variables list straight into an SDLTM, without having to add them line by line.
Trados Studio *2015, *2017, 2019, 2021
WebVTT filetype
Filetype support for the webVTT filetype used in subtitling
Trados Studio 2019, 2021
XML Reader
This application provides a simple way to convert the XML analysis reports generated by Studio to Excel.