Lingotek TMS plugin offers a quick access to manage Tasks from Lingotek. From this plugin you can :
- Download the task content file
- Create a Studio project
- Upload translated files back to Lingotek environment
- Mark the task as completed
If something went wrong logging file is available on the following path :
Lingotek plugin is available as a new View in Studio. In order to access the tasks from Lingotek you need to Sign In.
A new window will appear with pre-login settings. The only mandatory field is the URL, the other options allows you to chose from the beginning what tasks yow want to see in the grid (This options can be changed any time from the main view)
After you fill the URL -> Login the actual Lingotek login form will appear where you need to add your credentials.
Lingotek tasks grid
Lets take a look at the grid. Here are displayed available tasks, if the row is grey this means the task is disabled because it was checked out for a user and you are not able to create a Studio Project with it.
Filters area
Click on expand filter button to see more options to filter tasks. All the dates displayed in the grid are shown based on user time zone. Please make sure in Lingotek web application you select the same time zone in order to see the same dates.
Navigation area
- You can select how many tasks you want to see on page.
For performance reasons we set the size to be 10 by default.
- To see next / previous page click on arrow buttons.
For performance reasons we cache the tasks for each page you navigate. This means if you already navigated on 4 pages when you click on "Previews" button the grid will be populated instantly.
- If you want to Jump to a page change the number from text box and hit "Enter".
How to create a Studio Project
Multiple tasks can be selected from the grid by checking the box and Right click on grid. they will be added to the same Studio project. Only projects with the same Language Pair and Stage can be added in the same project.
We use Project Automation API to create the projects in Studio. This functionality will not work for Freelance License only "Download files" actions will be available.
After you click on "Create project" action, Studio wizard for project creation will appear. The settings will already be filled with the language pairs and project files. Please make sure you change the project name.
If you are using a custom template please make sure the language pair is the same with the file language pair.
After the project is created you'll be redirected to projects view from where you can see newly created project.
Actions available on project files
Select files -> Right click and you'll see Lingotek actions
- "Upload mid-project update" will push the changes you did to the document back to Lingotek.
- "Upload finished project" this option also updates the changes to Lingotek but also finalize the project in Studio.
- "Complete task" after you finish translation the document this options mark the task as completed in Lingotek. The task will automatically switch from Translate Phase -> Edit phase -> it will be completed and after you'll refresh the grid the task will disappear
How to refresh tasks grid
Tasks grid can be refreshed any time by clicking on "Refresh" button or you can set Enable the Timer set the minutes and when the counter will be 0 the grid will be refreshed automatically.