The RWS AppStore > Wiki is no longer being maintained. For the latest updates and changes being published, please visit the official RWS AppStore, where you will find supporting information such as documentation & change log details that is associated to each app.
Alternatively if you are using Trados Studio 2022 SR2, you will find the same information within the Integrated AppStore.
15th November 2021
- Removed support for Trados Studio 2021
- Some problems were found working with this app in the SR2 version. Given the same functionality is now available out of the box in Trados Studio 2021 there is only a need for the app with Trados Studio 2019 and earlier.
Release date: 27th July 2021 (If upgrading to this version, please manually remove previously installed versions first).
Version for Studio 2021
- Rebranded to Variables Manager for Trados Studio
- No logging or TellMe Features included
Version for Studio 2021
- Rebranded to Variables Manager for Trados Studio
- No logging or TellMe Features included