The RWS AppStore > Wiki is no longer being maintained. For the latest updates and changes being published, please visit the official RWS AppStore, where you will find supporting information such as documentation & change log details that is associated to each app.
Alternatively if you are using Trados Studio 2022 SR2, you will find the same information within the Integrated AppStore.
Release date: 21 June 2023
Version for Studio 2022 SR1
- Addressed breaking changes
- Sdl.Core.Globalization (Modified)
- Sdl.Core.Globalization.Async (Added)
- Sdl.Desktop.Platform.Controls.Behaviors.MouseDownBehavior (Deleted)
Release date: 6 June 2023
Version for Studio 2022
- Corrected updated plugin manifest to ensure that the plugin will not attempt to install into Trados Studio 2022 SR1. This is important because the SR1 release contains breaking changes that will cause this version of the plugin to prevent Studio from starting. There will be a further update of this plugin specifically for the 2022 SR1 release either alongside, or shortly after SR1 is made publicly available.
Release date: 11 May 2023
IMPORTANT: This build is only for CU1 and above. If you still need the previous version you can find it in the archived wiki:
Archived Versions: Multilingual Excel FileType
Version for Studio 2022
- Compatibility with encoding for the embedded content processor when processing double byte languages
Release date: 04 May 2023
IMPORTANT: This build is only for CU1 and above. If you still need the previous version you can find it in the archived wiki:
Archived Versions: Multilingual Excel FileType
Version for Studio 2022
- Resolved issues reported ( Broken URLs, Rebranding)
Release date: 22nd December 2022
IMPORTANT: This build is only for CU1 and above. If you still need the previous version you can find it in the archived wiki:
Archived Versions: Multilingual Excel FileType
Version for Studio 2022
- Implemented a new feature "Filter by fill color" that enables the user to import, ignore or lock paragraphs that match the fill color of the cell from the excel workbook.
Release date: 06th September 2022
IMPORTANT: This build is only for CU1 and above. If you still need the previous version you can find it in the archived wiki:
Archived Versions: Multilingual Excel FileType
Version for Studio 2022
- Optimise save operation when using the Generate Multilingual Excel batch task.
Release date: 28th July 2022
IMPORTANT: This build is only for CU1 and above. If you still need the previous version you can find it in the archived wiki:
Archived Versions: Multilingual Excel FileType
Version for Studio 2022 CU01
- Implemented enhancements to ExtendedMessageEventData from the Verification API. There is a new interface IVerificationCustomMessageData to expose the source and target segment plain text that is included in the verification report.
Release date: 23rd May 2022
Version (Studio 2022)
- New on the RWS Appstore
- For details on how this plugin works please refer to the wiki